Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Emerging Technology and Innovation-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Emerging Technology and Innovation. Answer: In Template Mention Technology has been an issue of rapid change and has been undergoing a development on a continuous rate. FMEC or Fogg and Mobile Edge Computing have been one such issue which has acquired a global interest. It is basically a unit associated with cloud computing and also discuss the various provisions, security factors, and essentialities which are related to the former. The various theories as revealed from a number of aspects along with an all round approach to this new innovation has been dealt herewith. Introduction The world is prone to changes as we all know and it is this factor of change which has resulted in the developments so far of which the entire human race proudly stands today. Among every other factor and essential of change, the most important one where almost every development is directly dependent upon is technology [6]. Among every other agent of change, technology today stands as the most important which is prone to the largest extent of changes. Without almost any least factor of any possible risk, the breakthrough developments and changes in technology promise to provide the best solutions to even the most acute problems and the most serious problems arising in the ever changing human civilization. An annual compilation of all the important innovations as recorded in the World Economic Forum, gives a detailed information regarding the developments that took place from almost every field which is considered important in todays world ranging from hydrogen fuelled zero emission c ars to computer chips which are modelled and designed on human brain. These compilations give us a vast outlook regarding the wide range of innovations, improvements needed to transform our industries and safeguard and improvise our planet and our lifestyles. In this aspect cloud computing requires special reference as it has become an important part in the entire process of development and related applications and services that are carried forward in a business environment along with the contribution and impact of every individual user of the concerned company [8]. Discussions Materials And Methods There are several aspects related to Fogg and Mobile Edge Computing which makes it a perfect approach as related in relation to the above mentioned purpose [11]. These purposes are the chief functioning geographical factors behind the true and successful involvement of servers who serve a spontaneous relation and momentum and maintain closeness to the users. The main motive and intention behind the application of Fogg And Mobile Edge Computing is to deal with real and heavy time applications at the edge of networks by bringing billions of connected mobile services into use. FMEC 2017 has an aim to investigate, enquire and investigate the importance of Mobile Edge Computing devices. Along with this, it also aims at providing for moral contributions which would help in sorting and solving out the problems and challenges associated with Mobile Edge Computing . In brief, the main and primary intention behind FMEC 2017 is to provide a basic working structure to scientists, engineers, and researchers so that they could discuss and exchange new formats and ideas owing to new improved and moral results and also a well defined and acquired experience on almost every aspect related to Fogg and Mobile Edge Computing. In such cases, original research works are duly appreciated and accepted from researchers and related examiners. Qualitative research is preferred in case of the research methodologies which deal with research work on topics regarding and related to FMEC security issues and other related modelling matters [1]. The first step taken up in this process is listing down all the research options that are required in the process and the necessary preparations associated with it, which also includes all the related questions which are needed to be answered on this basis. Cloud computing applications are important as their use and application has been used and preferred to be helpful and beneficial over large extents in many places around the world. FMEC services promise to offer an all round, enhanced and better quality service, which are however, adversely affected by several associating issues related as well as contained in it. It is because of these factors that the questions related to and regarding FMEC products and services is urgently requires to be solved, and are clubbed under extremely impor tant issues in this purpose. Many researchers have covered several topics related to FMEC services like security issues, privacy issues, and modelling issues [15]. A related literary view regarding this aspect can be given, which would consider the research works as a second step in the entire research process. However, there are several other research topics and issues which require due consideration and importance to be given as a step to improve the performance and service of this field. There are many methods which can be used as a means to improve and improvise the services related to FMEC sector among which, Qualitative method is given the best position in this regard as it suits with all the requirements and its nature is appropriate with the problems so arising in this regard. Also, qualitative method promises to solve almost all the major or basic problems related to FMEC sector. The three most important stages and requirements involved in qualitative research measures are action research, grounded research, primary or initial theory and phenomenology, which can also be termed as the qualitative measures as used in this research process. The next steps included in the research process include data collection, data sampling, and analysis. These steps are required to be followed after the initial steps and processes. Apart from these two series of steps, there are another set of procedures which serve important roles in the entire process of FMEC research, they are proper analysis of research papers, study and proper examination and analysis of online journals and articles, which help a great deal in the collection of data and gathering and collecting the important and necessary information regarding the research processes In this aspect, there are certain areas which are considered as the important and major areas in the research work and the researchers are required as well as encouraged to make their analysis and studies on these and submit original works as a contribution to the entire research program [2]. These topics or as said, areas of research which require original contribution may be grouped under the following heads:- Systems including Mobile cloud computation Privacy and security issues related to FMEC Billing models and pricing charts regarding FMEC researches VANETS and MANETS supporting FMEC Computations based on cloudlet Computations based on dew FMEC architecture including essentials like mechanisms relating to lightweight authentication Models accessing control in FMEC Proper identification and allowance of incentives to FMEC providers Challenges and other open issues regarding FMEC which predominantly serve as the upcoming and important issues regarding this aspect Quality services and other related improvement techniques as under FMEC Architecture features and other developmental aspects under FMEC Communication issues and real time interfaces regarding protocols Scheduling resources that help in enhancing reliability and scalability Proper resources for monitoring resources and measuring utilization mechanisms Studies and researcher for the proper allocation of resources Loading and predicting models for optimizing user satisfaction Proper and efficient virtualization Data storage and efficient allocation of required resources as per the requirements of FMEC format and platform Proper deployment and application of suitable strategies Measures for admission control as per the requirements of FMEC Large scale issues such as social engineering, threats arising from within the working structure and advanced problems of pear pushing Handling incidents and testing the extent to which the research ideologies penetrate the prevailing working layout and structure The required security protocols Forensic analysis and virtual networking of FMEC working platform Virtualization of the networks and sufficient access to cloud based networks Formatting proper security to mobile networks and mobile formattin FMEC Modelling Issues FMEC model and architecture involves a number of varied numbers of different types of elements which have different natures as well. For example, the edge data centers are formulated, established and structured as per their specific module and format, and are owned and deployed with the intent of providing proper required aid and help of the providers of infrastructure which provide and allow the implementation of an infrastructure which has multi tenant visualizing features [4]. The well equipped services that are provided by these centers, better called as data centers, are so efficiently formulated and structured, that they can be used by any user present in the entire network. One important feature of these data centers is that, although they function extensively and operate on their own created network and environment, they do not connect themselves entirely from the traditional setting or cloud. As a result and outcome of this, a different type of model is formed which is entir ely based on the hierarchical and multi talented architectural model or such type of framework. Many types of modeling issues are been associated with the existing mobile and continuously changing platforms because of their close relation and association with the FMEC services. These problems can also be accrued to the prevalence and presence of the traditional factor and the traditional features which so come up due to such association of factors concerning these aspects and matters [8]. These issues or problems take up various forms such as those of configuration, which are related to connectivity and integration in return. The reason behind the existence of these of these factors can be related to the causes such that the level of FMEC services which are still in their initial startup stage which is considered to be the stage of expansion and hence, all the required or prevailing services are not taken up by all or each member who is a part of this extensive service. Many modeling concerns still come up as the process of transformation is still working up and measures are st ill been incorporated for upgrading it which is the factor giving rise to several problems regarding modeling issues. FMEC models use various kinds of models and hardwares which are heterogeneous in their nature and various other variants of components which are associated with a high rate of mobility making the entire structure a distinctive working platform [16]. This architecture pattern of FMEC services branched out, decentralized and distributed allotting the entire working format a characteristic and nature which welcomes and gives birth to many security problems and similar concerns as well as a variety of designing issues. Within a socially acclaimed preview, the FMEC implementation programme and project managed to survive as per the needs of both the society and people associated with the entire programme as well as the initial learners who have been associated with the functioning of the entire project. Proper collaboration and communication among the stakeholders was an important reason behind the overall development and success of the entire project and programme [14]. FMEC Security Issues Security is an important requirement in almost every sector and every field related to development and innovations. Absence of proper security measures can not only bring everything to a state of failed attempts, but may also render every effort related to the particular work fruitless. Hence, ensuring proper security and safety initiatives is very important to make sure that every work is cordially performed and also to make everything related with it to be working fluently without any hindrances and problems. However, in spite of securing every possible means of security, there always remains some or the other matter which comes out as an issue of importance as per the security and safety of the works done are concerned. Even in the case of FMEC issues a number of security challenges, issues, threats, and concerns have been figured out [12]. After proper research on such issues and related keen study, these issues have turned out to be having sufficient potential to disturb the ent ire working and cause a serious threat and damage to the entire structure creating severe impacts on the users. As regarding the network structures, there are serious security problems have posed a serious threat to the entire chain and network of the working structure. Denial of service attack has been market as the most important primary threat affecting the basic infrastructure of the FMEC services and has turned out to be a matter of serious concern demanding immediate action over it. As these services remain active and working in their autonomous or semi autonomous manner, the Denial of Service Attack fails to create a complete breakdown in the functioning of the FMEC services thereby putting apparently a full stop in the entire working process. However, the impact or effect which they leave upon the working process is not at all an easy figure. The performance of services is seriously affected which can be dangerous to the extent of lowering the level and marking of the level of use of the services and may also lower the rate of satisfaction of the consumers using it. These problems may even reduce the rate of user satisfaction level causing a serious problem to the entire functioning panorama of the networking and functioning ideals. Apart from these, there may be entities and bodies holding a negative of malicious intent and taking advantage of such situations they may hold up or capture a certain particular part from the whole networking range through methods such as eves dropping. These attacks are quite damaging and are commonly called man in the middle attack. They can have an extremely damaging and dangerous impact as they tend to affect the very initial elements which perform and act through notes which are pre targeted. There is yet another type of attack called the rogue gateway attack in which is characterized by the ones who design to attack launch and operate with their own constructed devices and their attack is chiefly concentrated in the various networking channels. This attack is also known as the middle class man attack where the position of the entire networking and performing base becomes weak due to the continuous strikes made on it without offering it any chance of producing or procuring any means to protect itself and defend from such continuous attacks. They attack as the middle man who damages both the upper layer workers, lower level workers, and the customers thus giving a blow from every possible way. This prospect enables the process to slow down and engulfs third party involvement for the user. There are several processes that are available in the market there are further professionals that are involved with the process of cloud computing and at the same time it must ensure that the process of cloud computing do not become a hostile service where only few users can be used on a single note. These technologies are no different for the new technologies that are present in this capitalist world. The process of cloud computing is far more engrossed and is even commercialized with all its pros and cons that are taken into consideration. The edge data servers or the extended limit of data servers are affected by yet another form of attack in which the security issues are concerned with unfamiliar services or unfamiliar organs of the networking structure. In this case, the devices or the working nodes that are frequently captured and affected are those of the Fof nodes or may also include devices used by the users or consumers. These units are captured and destroyed and as a result, the consumers or the users turn out to be the ones who get worst affected by the attacks. Conclusion These attacks have a very intense and dangerous effect and rupture the entire working of the network. Information which are extremely confidential may pass from the trapped notes and be captured by any of the insiders or outsiders as the case may be, and can be modulated or utilized in the most dangerous way so as to bring the whole working layout to a standstill. The internal working formats may be disrupted and destroyed making the working too difficult to be brought back into pace. The attackers rupture the entire working structure, destroying the original one and creating their own working channels which cause a serious and severe blow to the initial and original working structure and functioning format as well as the consumers and workers. We can easily state that cloud computing has several benefits but at the same time it has many issues as well that can be raised easily when it is stored in several data centres all across the globe. These data easily becomes target for the ha ckers that is further initiated by the employers of cloud computing. References I. Paoletti and P. 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